More people are injured in the bathroom than in any other room of the house. Water, as it spreads, becomes the number one danger in your bathroom. Combined with poor balance or limitations in hip and knee joints, these slippery surfaces increase the risk of slips and falls and can threaten your independence. Also, the hot and wet shower environment, as relaxing as it may be, can sometimes affect balance.
If you’re wondering “how do you make a bathtub accessible” or “how can I make my bathtub safe for seniors and the disabled”, you’ve come to the right place.
You can buy bathroom aids such as disability bath chairs, bath seats for the elderly along with a range of different bathroom bench seats in Australia in order to increase the safety in your bathroom.
The benefits of bathroom seating
If you’re suffering from balance concerns it can be far easier and safer to sit in a medical shower chair while dressing and washing.
Bathroom chairs, shower stools and bath transfer benches allow users, who are at risk of slipping or falling, to wash, dry and dress in the seated position so they can find some stability while transferring, bending, stretching and reaching body parts.
Chairs with armrests, handles, backrests and height adjustable legs allow you to lower yourself safely onto the chair and also provide support when trying to stand up.
Raised chairs make it easier to sit down and stand up for those who have affected hips and knees.
This also goes for higher shower stools with arms and height adjustable legs.
Can you put a chair in a bathtub?
The answer to this question completely depends on the size of your bathtub and what sort of bathtub it is. For you to put a chair in the bathtub, it needs to:
- Be big enough to fit the chair in it
- Have a shower attachment so the user isn’t raised out of the bathtub unable to wet themselves
If you’re buying a shower chair for your bathtub, ask a bathroom aid professional on their recommendation and make sure that the chair has rubber stops on the feet. Buying the incorrect bathtub chair can be just as dangerous as standing on the wet floor.
What’s the difference between a shower chair and a bath chair?
There isn’t much difference between a shower chair for the elderly and a bath chair for the elderly besides the specifications. A bath chair may be slightly narrower and have different feet in order to fit in a bathtub. To make sure you get the right product make sure you get the help of a mobility professional.
Toilet seat raisers and over toilet frames
Similar to shower chairs, raised toilet seats and over toilet frames provide stability while using the toilet.
When choosing shower aids ensure the legs of the chairs and stools have non-slip stoppers on them.
Bath transfer benches and bath boards
Bath boards and bath transfer benches assist with getting into the bath safely and allow the user to remain seated for bathing. These are particularly helpful if your shower is over the bath.
Furthermore, permanent shower benches can be fixed to the wall and fold up while not required.
Shower commodes
Shower commodes, together with a walk-in shower recess, for people needing the support of an assistant, can facilitate washing and drying while encouraging maximum participation and independence.
Grab rails and bars
Grab rails for shower, toilet and bath can be fixed to the wall or clamped on (e.g., to the bath) to provide support when standing and transferring. They come in varying lengths and may be fixed either vertically or horizontally.
Alternatively, you can use a floor to ceiling grab bar. This can be placed anywhere in your home without screwing holes into your floor or ceiling. It provides something to hold on to while transferring.
Other balance aids to increase safety in the bathroom
Other products, provided by The Mobility Store, to reduce slipping hazards and to assist safely moving around the bathroom include:
• Non- slip suction cup mats and non-slip floor tape.
• Hand held shower hose to reach body parts.
• Long handled back sponge and toe washer reduce the need for bending and reaching.
• Soap on a rope, or soap bag to eliminate chasing loose and slippery soap.
These products can either be attached temporarily to bathroom surfaces, or installed more permanently by bathroom specialists.
Where to buy aids to increase safety in the bathroom
A dedicated mobility store will have the greatest and most helpful range of bathroom aids to help with your ongoing condition, age, or limited mobility issue.
By visiting The Mobility Store today, you can get access to one of the most comprehensive ranges of mobility aids in Melbourne and all of Australia.
While here, you will be able to speak to one of our friendly and highly-trained mobility professionals that will closely discuss your needs and match you with the best product.
If you can’t make it into our store, you can give us a call and we can help you navigate our online shop, so that you can get your mobility aid sent to you from the comfort of your own home.
Get in touch with us so that you can improve your mobility today.