The standard cane is the lightest and simplest mobility aid, and often the first device users consider when assistance with mobility becomes necessary.
Canes allow the user to support the weight of one side of the body while standing or walking. Having a third point of contact with the ground provides additional balance for users who are capable of moving independently but feel they require support.
As cane users may rely on the device for long periods of time, it is important that a cane has a comfortable handle to protect the wrist, is adjusted to the correct hight to preserve the user’s posture, and has a solid rubber foot for grip and balance.
Standard canes, which consist of a handle, shaft and single foot allow the greatest degree of movement for the user, typically being small and light enough to assist even around tight corners and up staircases, etc.
If you feel a cane is right for you, but would value greatly increased stability and comfort, it is worth upgrading to a four-footed quad cane. The four points of contact mean the cane is free-standing, decreasing stress on the user’s wrist and reducing the need for precise control of the cane.
Overall, this leads to decreased fatigue and risk for the user. Smaller bases, such as those on the Quad Combo Black, are lighter and more manoeuvrable, while canes with larger bases, such as the Quad Bariatric, provide maximum stability.
Quad canes feature a broad base with four feet, sacrificing some manoeuvrability for greatly increased safety and stability. The quad cane provides more assistance on irregular surfaces including lawn and cobblestone, although some users may find the larger base heavier or more difficult to move in tight spaces such as stairwells.
An improperly fitted walking stick may put excessive stress on the wrist, shoulder and lower body, meaning it can potentially do as much harm as good. Be sure to speak with the Mobility Store staff or a medical practitioner to make sure your cane or walking stick has been correctly adjusted.
The Mobility Store also sells a range of cane accessories including different cane handles and feet, meaning you can customise your cane to best suit your comfort and mobility needs.
For both styles of cane, proper fitting and use of the cane is important. For advice on fitting and using canes, speak to your medical practitioner or ask a friendly Mobility Store staff member.
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