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<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Complete Walkers/Rollators & Walking Frames Buying Guide

The different types of Walkers/Rollators & Walking Frames

Walking Frames & Rollators

Walking frames and rollators allow users to walk with a fair degree of freedom while providing more support and balance than crutches or canes.

The stable, free-standing nature of frames make them ideal for many users, although it is important to consider the weight of the device and its portability in buildings, vehicles and other tight quarters.

Walking Frames

Standard walkers are the basic and most stable type of frame, featuring four stationary points of contact with the ground.

While this arrangement provides maximum stability for the user, it requires a lifting movement while walking, and therefore has the slowest walking speed and may fatigue the user.

Rolling Walkers

Rolling walkers feature wheels at the base of two or four of the regular walker’s legs. This change dispenses with the lifting movement necessary to operate static walkers, greatly increasing walking speed and reducing effort for the user.

Rolling walkers also tend to be more stable on difficult terrain suck as grass or gravel, which may catch the feet of a standard walker. However, without four stationary points of contact with the ground, rolling walkers require a greater degree of concentration and dexterity to comfortably operate the device. Particularly, four-wheeled rolling walkers may cause difficulties for the user on inclined surfaces.


Rollators are specialised rolling walkers fitted with hand-operated breaks, granting the user maximum stability even on challenging terrain including inclines and rough surfaces.

The wheel and brake system combines the easy mobility of rolling walkers with the stable support of static walkers, making them an accommodating choice for any type of user.

Rollator Accessories

In addition, rollators are fitted with accessories such as seats, baskets or satchels, which provide additional comfort and functionality to the user. This is particularly valuable for independent users and those who have difficulty lifting and carrying everyday items.

Shower Chairs & Stools in Practice

For both styles, proper fitting and use of the crutch is important. For advice on fitting and using crutches, speak to your medical practitioner or ask a Mobility Store staff member.