Iceman Clear3 Cold Therapy Unit
Controlled cold therapy, helping patients and medical practitioners
Donjoy Iceman Clear3 Provides a Clear Advantage: It delivers controlled cold therapy, helping patients and medical practitioners to easily manage post-operative pain and swelling. It utilises Donjoy’s patented semi-closed loop recirculation system, which maintains more consistent and accurate temperatures than other cold therapy units, in a preset configuration.
- Add ice to fill line inside the device.
- Add cold water to fill line.
- Place lid on the device making sure the lip inserts in groove. Then press front of the lid down to close and secure.
- Connect the IceMan® CLEAR3 hose to the cold pad hose. To ensure a reliable connection, “snap” or “click” hoses together into place so that the fit is tight and snug.
- To turn device on, insert cord into the connection port on the back of the device and plug the power supply into the wall outlet.